Paraconsistency and dialogue logic critical examination and further explorations
pp. 35-55
The first part of this paper presents asympathetic and critical examination of the approachof Shahid Rahman and Walter Carnielli, as presented intheir paper “The Dialogical Approach toParaconsistency”. In the second part, possibleextensions are presented and evaluated: (a) top-downanalysis of a dialogue situation versus bottom-up, (b)the specific role of ambiguities and how to deal withthem, and (c) the problem of common knowledge andbackground knowledge in dialogues. In the third part,I claim that dialogue logic is the best-suitedinstrument to analyse paradoxes of the Sorites type.All these considerations lead to philosophicallyrelevant observations concerning principles of charityon the one hand, and compactness on the other.
Publication details
Published in:
(2001) Synthese 127 (1-2).
Pages: 35-55
Full citation:
Van Bendegem Jean Paul (2001) „Paraconsistency and dialogue logic critical examination and further explorations“. Synthese 127 (1-2), 35–55.