The probability of war in the n -crises problem
modeling new alternatives to Wright's solution
pp. 285-305
In hisStudy of War, Q. Wright considered a model for the probability of warP “during a period ofn crises”, and proposed the equationP=1−(1−p)n, wherep is the probability of war escalating at each individual crisis. This probability measure was formally derived recently by Cioffi-Revilla (1987), using the general theory of political reliability and an interpretation of the “n-crises problem” as a branching process. Two new, alternate solutions are presented here, one using D. Bernoulli's St. Petersburg Paradox as an analogue, the other based on the logic of conditional probabilities. Analysis shows that, while Wright's solution is robust with regard to the general overall behavior ofp andn, some significant qualitative and quantitative differences emerge from the alternative solutions. In particular,P converges to 1 only in a special case (Wright's) and not generally.
Publication details
Published in:
(1988) Synthese 76 (2).
Pages: 285-305
DOI: 10.1007/BF00869593
Full citation:
Cioffi-Revilla Claudio, Dacey Raymond (1988) „The probability of war in the n -crises problem: modeling new alternatives to Wright's solution“. Synthese 76 (2), 285–305.